Savor Savannah’s Springtime Paradise at The Presidents’ Quarters Inn: Savannah Music Festival, Plus Home and Garden Tours

Forsyth Park in Savannah GA (Georgia)

Forsyth Park in Savannah Historic District

SAVANNAH, Georgia (February 18, 2011) – The steady, natural inflow of strangers to Georgia began in 1733 with 120 British citizens arriving on the Savannah River bluff.   Today millions visit Savannah, called North America’s most beautiful city.

It’s a city-size, fantastical wonderland at its most picturesque in springtime, during the annual Savannah Tour of Homes and Gardens, scheduled March 24-27, 2011, and Savannah Music Festival (March 24-April 9, 2011).  

In March annually, the world-class music and a fairyland of gardens are among the rich traditions, old-style charm, optimism, and endearing invitations of welcome.  Travelers need little convincing to arrive for the rare opportunity to sneak an intimate peek into some of Savannah’s most treasured private places and public spaces — the elegant homes, historical theaters, and manicured gardens.

Springtime in Savannah GA

Springtime in Savannah GA

Today, Savannah is aptly “paradise”, and the ruse no more from the British enticement to the unsuspecting settlers destined for a forest wilderness in 1733.  Grand architecture from the golden era of “King Cotton,” manicured gardens, and museums set the spectacular backdrop in the seaside city.  To Savannah’s great fortune, General William Sherman spared the city the catastrophic fate of Atlanta, which the Union troops burned during the American Civil War.

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